
#分享:特斯拉正在對Model 3進行刷新2020/10/08

Source: Electrek

Tesla is doing a Model 3 refresh and we’ve seen it
Fred Lambert - Oct. 8th 2020 5:23 pm ET @FredericLambert

Tesla is making an update to Model 3, which is significant enough that people other than Elon Musk would call it a refresh, and we’ve seen it.
Electrek can confirm some of the new features.
Over the last few months, we have heard a lot of rumors about a Model 3 update.
It started when Tesla updated the Model 3’s frunk and then submitted an application to produce the Model 3 with a chrome delete in China.
Now we can confirm that Tesla is indeed planning to bundle several updates to the Model 3, and that it is about to start delivery of the new version.
We have seen pictures of the new Model 3, but we are not able to share the pictures at this time in order to protect sources.
The pictures confirmed several updates to the Model 3 produced in the US including a chrome delete to the exterior trims — like my Model 3 pictured above.
Tesla is also adding a powered trunk gate, like in the Model Y.
The interior is seeing a significant update with new upholstery on the top of the vehicle with what appears to be slightly darker material.
Model 3 is getting a completely different center console. Tesla got rid of the glossy piano black finish and replaced it with matte finish.
Here’s my own Model 3’s center console and a quick drawing to explain what the new Tesla console looks like:
The Model 3 center console is made of three different sections in one piece, but the new console almost looks like two pieces instead of one with the top section where you charge your phone at the top looking completely different.
It’s separated with the chrome trim now wrapping around the second section.
Instead of being a lid that flips open, it’s now a sliding door like in the Model S/X center console.
The cup holders don’t have a chrome trim and they are located higher on the section closer to the section with an opening.
The phone charger section looks like a solid piece that doesn’t flip up and down like the current one. It’s wrapped with fake leather and the center has what looks like a suede-like material.
Finally, Tesla has changed the windows with a new double-paned glass, which should help with noise and weather isolation.
The timing of deliveries of the Model 3’s updated features is unclear, but sources say that the new version is rolling off the assembly in Fremont.
Electrek’s Take
All these updates were rumored in a leak in China last month, and the leak also mentioned that the updated Model 3 would be equipped with Tesla’s Octovalve and heat pump.
While we couldn’t visually confirm that like the other features, if they were right on everything else, it’s safe to assume that the Model 3 will also get the heat pump with this refresh.
I know Elon Musk doesn’t like to say that Tesla does model “refreshes” and instead says that they implement new features whenever they’re ready, but if they’re updating all those things, including the heat pump, at the same time, I feel like saying that this is a “refresh” is fair.
Personally, I think a Model S/X interior refresh is more needed than Model 3, but it’s clear that Tesla is focusing on Model Y and Model 3 over the last three years. These are the programs that bring volume to Tesla.

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About the Author
Fred Lambert
Fred is the Editor in Chief and Main Writer at Electrek.

特斯拉正在對Model 3進行刷新,我們已經看到了
弗雷德·蘭伯特 -東部時間2020年10月8日下午5:23 @FredericLambert
特斯拉正在對Model 3進行更新,這一更新意義重大,以至於Elon Musk之外的其他人都可以稱之為更新,我們已經看到了。
在過去的幾個月中,我們聽到了許多有關Model 3更新的傳言。
它始於特斯拉 更新Model 3的後備箱,然後提交了在中國生產帶有鍍鉻刪除件的Model 3的申請。
現在我們可以確認特斯拉確實計劃捆綁Model 3的多個更新,並且即將開始交付新版本。
我們已經看到了新Model 3的圖片,但是為了保護資訊來源,我們目前無法共享這些圖片。
這些照片證實了對在美國生產的Model 3的幾處更新,包括對外部裝飾件的鍍鉻刪除-如上圖所示的我的Model 3。
Model 3正在獲得完全不同的中央控制台。特斯拉擺脫了光滑的鋼琴黑色飾面,並用啞光飾面代替了它。
這是我自己的Model 3中央控制台和一張簡短的圖紙,用以解釋新型Tesla控制台的外觀:
Model 3中控台由三個不同的部分組成,但新的控制台幾乎看起來像兩塊,而不是頂部的一個,頂部的充電完全不同。
如今,它不再像翻蓋一樣打開,而是像S / X型中控台一樣滑動。
Model 3的更新功能的交付時間尚不清楚,但消息人士稱,新版本將在Fremont組裝。

所有這些更新都在上個月發生在中國的一次洩漏中,據傳該洩漏還提到更新的Model 3將配備特斯拉的Octovalve和熱泵。
儘管我們無法像其他功能一樣從視覺上確認,但是如果它們在其他所有功能上都正確無誤,則可以安全地假設Model 3也將通過此更新獲得熱泵。
我知道埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)不願意說特斯拉(Tesla)會建模“刷新”,而是說他們準備就緒時會實施新功能,但是如果他們要同時更新所有這些功能(包括熱泵), 我想說這是“刷新”是公平的。
就個人而言,我認為比Model 3更需要Model S / X內飾更新,但是很明顯,在過去三年中,Tesla專注於Model Y和Model 3。這些程序為特斯拉帶來了銷量。


我的第一部電動汽車:Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus滿月心得

我的第一部電動汽車:Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus滿月心得
1. 加速踏板用法並不是全踩跟全放!
    剛開始用油車的習慣,加速踏板一放開就要去踩煞車,感覺車子就馬上停下來有點不習慣。請教過其他車主後,加速模式設標準,轉向模式設舒適,再生煞車設標準,煞停模式設暫停; 重點是在右脚電門控制力道掌握好之後,慢慢放不是全踩全放,車子行進將很順暢,不再有急剎急停頓頓的感覺。難怪第一個禮拜我兒子說連坐前座都會想吐。
2. 油車的雨刷變成特斯拉的排檔桿。
3. Autopilot基本款的定向定速跟車功能。

4. 停車還在適應中。
    為什麼Tesla沒有360環景系統?現在開Model 3每次停車就想到原來舊車Luxgen的Eagle View功能。每次到公司都儘量找柱子旁,一邊沒有停車的車位。10/4看到的消息: 特斯拉將通過FSD套件中的Autopilot攝像機提供鳥瞰圖,但時程未定,希望早點有。
5. 不用再去加油了。
6. FSD半價的EAP:
    因為9/20公布9/30前只要 FSD 一半價格!特斯拉 EAP 增強型加購包上架,給你 NoA、自動換車道、自動停車、召喚等四大功能(因為原特斯拉FSD加了巿區自駕跟紅綠燈號誌辨識)。9/25下午去三峽大板根玩想說回程去中和刷卡買EAP,結果說只能到內湖,只好再繞去內湖,趕在6點下班前刷了EAP。後來問業務之後我們會推出自行線上刷卡的機制,不然一家這麼先進的汽車公司,居然只有臨櫃可以刷卡滿遜的。
7. EAP自動輔助駕駛 加購的EAP,在9/30生效後,10/1就上路自動輔助駕駛園區到竹北高速公路初體驗,除了最後要離開竹北交流道時出現“自動變換車道輔助無法使用”,自動變換車道還滿不錯的。後來請教其他車友後,原來出交流道時它會自動打方向燈,因為我自已又打一次方向燈,才會出現“自動變換車道輔助無法使用”。

10/2 林口出發後,聽著廣播中鄭智化的星星點燈歌聲,特斯拉model 3自動輔助駕駛EAP高速公路在竹北交流道交流道前依指示打右轉方向燈,特斯拉自動將車從中線變換到外線;接著再打右轉方向燈,特斯拉自動將車轉出交流道。
8. EAP自動輔助駕駛: 召喚功能
Tesla Model 3 如何使用智慧召喚summon功能(在石門水庫排洪道停車場實測), 一台百萬遙控玩具,跟李麥克的夥計還有不小點的差距。現階段可能還沒信心會在什麼場合用到他。可能單純的前進後退。

9. EAP自動輔助駕駛: 自動停車功能
10/2 特斯拉Model 3 EAP 在石門水庫南苑停車場第一次完成自動停車!!雖然因為跟著旁邊的車停的有點歪。

10/3 特斯拉model 3 EAP自動停車,停在家裡車庫結果停一半就停止了,繼續失敗中。

10/4 剛好兒子把旁邊摩托車騎走,特斯拉model 3 EAP 自動停車終於停進我家車庫了
10. 調完後視鏡和室座椅大小都可以存起來,如果車子有其他人會使用的話也可以存到他的帳號下面。上次貼隔熱紙的時候,就是直接按一個還原就恢復我的設定。
11. 超強的語音辨識能力:
將溫度設為 22度:就會將車內溫度設為 22度
主題 指令
「打開瀏覽器, 打開電話, 打開相機, 打開車鎖設定」
「開啟雨刷, 雨刷快一點」
「將車內溫度設為 27 度」
「開啟恆溫模式, 開啟寵物模式, 開啟露營模式」
「回家, 去公司, 到機場」
「帶我去學校, 帶我去公園」
「開啟衛星模式, 顯示路況」
12. 目前整理的一些使用上Tips:
Tesla Model 3 如何看胎壓?
Tesla Model 3 如何更新軟體?
Tesla Model 3 Tip: 買了EAP如何啟用智慧召喚summon功能。
Tesla Model 3 Tip: 乘客如何從車外開門和如何從車內開門?

有要買車的人可以使用我的推薦碼:您和使用您推薦連結購買新 Tesla 車輛的任何人都可獲得 1,500公里的免費超級充電里程。https://ts.la/cfchangj20793



Source: https://electrek.co/2020/10/03/tesla-bird-eye-view-autopilot-camera-fsd-package/

Tesla to offer bird’s eye view through Autopilot camera in FSD package

Elon Musk confirmed that a new “vector-space bird’s eye view” is coming to Tesla vehicles under the FSD package.

Bird’s eye view, a vision monitoring system that renders a view of a vehicle from the top to help park and navigate tight spaces, has become a popular feature in premium vehicles and it has even moved down market over the last few years.

It is generally made possible due to an array of 5 or 6 camera around the vehicle.

That’s something that Tesla already has for its Autopilot driver-assist system and yet, the automaker never released a bird’s eye view feature.

Now CEO Elon Musk says that the feature is coming to Tesla vehicles:

The CEO didn’t offer a timeline on the release of the feature.

Electrek’s Take

Main main concern is that Tesla’s 8-camera array have a good 360-degree view of the vehicle, but it does have blindspots closer to the car, which is what bird’s eye view is useful for and why automakers use fish eye camera to produce them.

But maybe with vector-space, Tesla will work its physic magic to produce a usable feature with the existing sensors.

It’s also smart for Tesla to offer it under the FSD package.

The price is starting to get too high for many people for the current features and adding a feature like that , that doesn’t necessarily have something to do with self-driving, could be a difference-maker for some.

As for people who already bought FSD, it’s a nice gift from Tesla.

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弗雷德·蘭伯特- 2020年10月3日上午11:55 @FredericLambert


埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)證實,採用FSD包裝的特斯拉汽車將迎來新的“向量空間鳥瞰圖”。




現在,首席執行官埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)表示,特斯拉汽車將使用該功能:







